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The BEGINNER Guide: How to Grow INDOOR Plants! 🌳

How to Grow INDOOR Plants can be such an amazing addition to your home décor. But, not all plants require the same conditions! That’s why if you’ve been trying to learn how to grow indoor plants, you have to know a thing or two before you start.

What are indoor plants?

Indoor plants or houseplants are plants that you can grow indoors. These plants can serve different purposes such as being decorative, purification of the air, physical health benefits, boost concentration, productivity, and more.

Most people love houseplants for their appearance. There are numerous types that you can choose from and they can really elevate your interior décor.

Others decide to have houseplants because they can purify the air. It all started with a NASA study from the 1980s which showed that indoor plants can reduce indoor air pollutants. Plants are natural air fresheners, which means you probably won’t have to invest in expensive technology. They produce oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide that is present in your home. Indoor plants can also get rid of common toxins that might be present in your home such as ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and more. These are all ingredients that can be toxic to your body and lead to allergies and hypersensitivities.

Another reason why people want to get houseplants is their positive effect on humans’ psychological health, not only on the physical one. Seeing greenery can deliver positive vibes and make you feel better, reduce stress, improve concentration, and productivity. These plants can improve your mood at the same time, that’s why they’re a great choice for your home. People love decorating their workspace with houseplants as well so they can enjoy all their benefits, especially the ones related to productivity and boosted concentration.

How do you plant indoor plants?

It all depends on how you buy the plant initially. Most house plants come already planted in a pot, but if you want to repot one, there are certain tips and tricks that can help. For example, if the plant grows, it needs a bigger pot to thrive, or if you have plant bulbs that you want to plant in your own pot.

If you notice that your plant has outgrown its current pot, it’s time to replant it into a bigger one. The signs that you need to look for are roots that are growing over the planter or are peeking from the bottom of the planter, a plant that stops growing, a plant that shows signs of drying, the upper part of the plant becomes bigger than the pot, and more.

Plants usually require repotting once a year or once in 18 months. If you notice any of the signs that we mentioned above, it’s probably time that you find a bigger pot and replant your houseplant. There are also plants that don’t grow fast and only need new soil so they can get the essential nutrients and minerals.

If you want to plant bulbs, get a pot, potting mix, and your own indoor gardening tools. Fill the pot with the potting mix, making sure that it’s packed. You can add a little pressure with your hands so that there aren’t any air pockets. Place the plant in the center of the pot and add another layer of the potting mix.

How much light do indoor plants need?

Light is one of the most essential factors for indoor plants. The reason why light is so important is because of it’s the crucial part in the process called photosynthesis. Plants use this process to create food and energy so that they can grow.

But not all houseplants need equal amounts and hours of daylight. Some thrive in darker rooms, while others require a lot of light so they can grow. Plants with green leaves require around eight hours of light per day. Cacti and succulents need sunlight throughout the entire day.

Before you know how and when to expose your indoor plants to light, it’s best if you research the plants’ needs, the hours of light required, and the type of light.

The good thing is that these days you can grow any type of plant indoors, even if you don’t have well-lit rooms. There are so many grow kits that will stimulate the growth of your plants during all their growth stages. With a small investment, you’ll be able to have the home garden you’ve always dreamed of.

What qualities make for a good indoor plant?

If you’re not sure how a healthy indoor plant should look, we’re here to help. It doesn’t matter whether you’re buying a new plant or you’re trying to keep the ones in your home looking good, there are signs of a healthy plant.

First of all, the leaves should look healthy and no signs of yellowing or browning. They should also be thick and not see-through.

There shouldn’t be any unpleasant smells coming from the plant. That’s always a bad sign and it might mean that your pet is infested with pests or is struggling to stay alive. You should act right away and consult with someone to figure out what you can do.

Check the plant for pests. You can usually see them on the undersides of the leaves or even all over the plant. They can look like tiny white dots that are infesting your plant.

The roots of a plant are one of its most important parts. Plants get their food and water through the system of roots, so if the roots are unhealthy the plant will not survive. They should feature a light color and should be thick. The roots shouldn’t be coming out of the pot or the drainage or the top of the pot. That means that the pot is too small for the plant and it’s been there for a long time. If you can’t see the roots, you can always take the plant out of the pot and check.

Which indoor plants require low light?

There are indoor plants that require low light conditions so they can thrive. These plant types are perfect for people whose homes don’t have too much natural light or rooms that are not well-lit. If not having enough light was a factor that prevented you from having houseplants, these will be perfect for your home.

Some of the low-light plants that you’ll love are dracaena, spider plant, pothos, peace lily, prayer plant, ZZ plant, philodendron, and more.

Five Plants anyone can grow indoors

Indoor plants, as beautiful as they are, can present a responsibility that not everyone is prepared for. But, if we tell you that there are plant types that don’t require too much of your attention and can grow well no matter of their surrounding conditions, would you be interested in those?
Below you’ll find the five best plants that anyone can grow indoors:


Sansevieria is one of the best houseplants for both beginners and pros because it’s easy maintenance. This plant doesn’t require too much water, it can survive in low, medium, and well-lit areas, plus it doesn’t mind changes in temperatures in your room. As you can see, it’s a plant that works well for people who don’t have too much free time for plants, who don’t know a lot about plants, and for the ones who don’t have the proper conditions at home. At the same time, sansevieria is a plant that can clean the air and remove toxins from your household.

Aloe Plant

The aloe plant belongs to the family of succulents. There is no way that you haven’t heard of aloe so far and all of its amazing and beneficial properties.
The best part about this plant is that it doesn’t require too much water. It prefers dry soil, so even if you forget to water it from time to time it will still grow. However, it does like the sun. So if you opt for the aloe plant make sure that you place it somewhere near a sunny spot in your house.

Spider Plant

Spider plants not only look so good, but they are also easy to maintain. This is a type of plant that thrives best if there is high to medium brightness. They tend to grow a lot, and there are different spider plants that you can choose from. This is the plant you want in your home if you’re obsessed with hanging plants.

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas cactus is such a beautiful plant with the most stunning red or dark pink flowers. If you prefer plants that bloom, this one is it. The flowers will show up just in time for Christmas, which is another reason why you need it. When it comes to the house conditions, it does like light but it can survive in low-lit rooms. When it comes to water, it needs to be moderately dry.

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily will captivate you with its stunning white flowers. Aside from looking fantastic, this plant is so easy to take care of. It will survive in both bright rooms and rooms that only feature low light. Make sure that you moist the soil evenly because this plant enjoys humid conditions. It also prefers rooms that are warm.


Growing indoor plants is such a pleasure once you get familiar with all the basics. Now that you’ve read this article, you’ll know which are the best types if you have limited light exposure in your house, and others that require little maintenance. So far, which one do you like the most?


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