5 Indoor Cacti Your Garden MUST have in 2023 ๐ŸŒณ

Typically, cacti are renowned for their capabilities to thrive in harsh desert conditions. Still, these plants can also be amazing indoor garden plants. Cacti are often low maintenance and do not require as much care as other indoor plants. However, like many other house plants, it is essential to choose the right variety of indoor cacti. How do you choose the right one considering the sheer number of options available in the market?

If you are a cactus farming beginner or an enthusiast, our in-depth guide will help you figure out the best cacti varieties to buy, as well as the most important factors to consider before choosing one for your garden.

Best Indoor Cacti

Angel Wings Cactus

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  • Requires minimal watering
  • Looks amazing in any part of the house
  • Grows significantly big
  • Easy to prune


  • Too much watering impedes growth
  • Demands a lot of direct sunlight

The Angel’s wings cactus, commonly known as Bunny Ear cactus, is native to Mexico’s northern side and the desert regions bordering Arizona. When matured, this cactus covers anything between 2 and 5 feet. The term ‘Bunny Ears’ usually refers to its visual appearance that resembles a bunny’s ears. Like most other cactus types, this variety has spikes easily removable using a pair of tweezers for gardeners who dislike spikes.

When purchasing Angel’s Wings, the plant comes in a sturdy, bubble-wrapped box for protection. Once opened, it is advisable to plant the cactus and place it in an area that receives as much direct sunlight as possible. This is due to the demanding nature of this cactus variety when it comes to sunshine. Placing this plant in dark areas results in overly slow growth, which can feel frustrating. The grow pot should have well-drained, porous soil to avoid overwatering, affecting the plant’s growth. You are advised to only water the plant when the soil in which it is planted is completely dried up.

For beginner gardeners, this cactus is an excellent choice due to its relatively easy maintenance and care routine. Additionally, the seller includes a detailed instruction leaflet that covers all the basics. Keep in mind that after receiving your Bunny Ears, it’s essential to keep it under filtered sunlight and give it time to adapt to the new environment before exposing it to direct sunlight.

The only minor misgiving with this cactus variety is its high demand for direct sunlight. This attribute makes it unsuitable for certain places that do not receive that much sunshine.


Saguaro Cactus

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  • Easy to grow and take care of
  • Not prone to diseases
  • Produces magnificent flowers during summers


  • Extremely slow-growing
  • Not frost-hardy

The Saguaro cactus is perhaps one of the most easily recognizable cacti species in the world. This distinct cactus is native to Arizona, California, and the Mexican state of Sonora. Unlike some cacti species, Saguaros are incredibly slow-growing, often only growing a few inches in the first ten or so years. However, they also tend to outlive most other cactus varieties, often living up to 200 years. During this time, they can grow to a height of about 18 meters in the world.

When looking to purchase a Saguaro for your home garden, you are not looking for it to grow to the 18 meters above, but that would also take more than your lifetime. Due to its prolonged growth, the Saguaro can be grown indoors despite its high height at maturity. The plant has a smooth, waxy skin covered with 2-inch spines when mature. During summer, the Saguaro bears magnificent cream-white flowers with a dash of yellow in the middle. When flowered, this cactus variety is among the best home garden sites to behold.

As with other cacti, the Saguaro needs to be placed in a brightly lit area, preferable west-facing or south-facing. If you have a heated gardening system, the plant will also thrive in such a system’s warm conditions. The Saguaro is not frost-hardy and will struggle under extreme cold. Additionally, do not expose young Saguaros to extreme sunlight for extended periods.


Christmas Cactus

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  • Flowers have a wide range of colors
  • Can thrive both indoors and outdoors
  • Easy to care for


  • Needs to be repotted every 2-3 years
  • Requires trimming to bloom well

The Christmas cactus is native to the jungles of South America. This cacti species blooms once a year with flowers bearing shades of red, orange, pink, white, salmon, yellow, fuchsia, or a combination of colors. During the bloom, the color fest is a marvel of nature and a sight one can never forget. Being a tropical plant, the Christmas cactus requires sufficient direct sunlight. The plant blooms longer under cooler temperatures.

When planted indoors, it is essential to ensure that the plant is not exposed to heat coming from fireplaces, furnace ducts, heaters, and radiators. When indoors, place the cactus in an area that receives sunlight, and when outdoors, put it in an area with shade to prevent burning. The plant should only be watered when the surface on top of the soil is completely dried up. To do this, water the pot until the soil is saturated and then drain off the excess water. This will be sufficient until the soil surface becomes completely dried up.

When planting, you will require well-drained soil, preferably a premade cactus mix. If you cannot find this, prepare one by mixing one-part coarse sand with one part soil. The Christmas cactus also requires sufficient rest to bloom. This includes up to 14 hours of darkness in every 24-hour cycle. Additionally, the cactus requires trimming to encourage blooming and repotting every two or three years.


Feather Cactus

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  • Unique feathery look
  • Compact size allows easy growth
  • Excellent aesthetic appeal


  • Winter-dormant
  • Poor tolerance to soggy soil

The Feather Cactus is arguably one of the most exciting cacti species. While we often think about thick, succulent plants when we hear the word cactus, this particular species has a fascinating featherlike, downy appearance. Do not be fooled though, under these ‘feathers’ are spikes as sharp as any other cactus species. The feather cactus is an excellent choice for beginner gardeners due to its low maintenance. If you are looking for a beautiful indoor cactus that can easily thrive in a shallow grow pot, look no further than this species.

Unlike other cacti that store water in their ribs, the feather cactus uses spines in its tubercles. When watered, the tubercles expand to maximize the plant’s water reception. Additionally, the plant produces flowers on the same tubercles’ axils, resulting in a glorious halo effect. It is essential to ensure that this plant does not sit in overwatered soil. It has extremely poor tolerance to sogginess. When watering it, use the popular ‘soak and dry’ procedure often used in most cacti. This procedure involves watering the plant only when the soil surface is completely dry. Water the pot until the soil is saturated, and then drain off excess water. You should then leave the plant until the soil dries up again. Keep in mind that the feather cactus is winter-dormant and should not be watered frequently during cold months.

If you are looking to plant the feather cactus, prepare a potting mix by combining sand and soil. This mixture provides excellent drainage and aeration. You can also repot it once in a while during warm seasons.


Moon Cactus

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  • The lack of chlorophyll results in outstanding colors
  • Easily portable due to small size
  • Extremely easy maintenance


  • Does not live long
  • Requires grafting to grow

The Moon Cactus is also commonly referred to as the Hibotan cactus. This species is easily recognizable from its array of bright colors that result from an entire lack of chlorophyll. The plant is a somewhat mutant species that must be grafted onto a cactus species with chlorophyll for it to grow. Keep in mind that while most cacti live upwards of 50 years, the moon cactus is relatively short-lived even under the best care conditions.

There are over 80 subspecies of the moon cactus. Most of these are found in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. When successfully grafted, the moon cactus grows into a vibrant plant, often neon yellow, orange, or pink. If you are looking for the perfect cactus to give a person or place in your house, the moon cactus is ideal. Its compact size makes it highly portable and giftable. Keep in mind that when kept indoors, this cactus needs a southern-exposure placement for optimum growth.

Do not worry about having to graft the moon cactus yourself. Dealers often sell this plant already grafted. Since the plant is relatively short-lived, you can extend its life by regrafting it using new rootstock. However, this process might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

What to Look for When Buying Indoor Cacti

If you have been looking for the perfect indoor cactus variety, you have probably come across numerous options. These different species vary in height, sunlight requirements, looks, and colors, among other factors. While most cacti are extremely easy to care for, there are several factors one needs to consider before purchasing a particular species.

Light Needed

When it comes to sunlight requirements, not all cacti are created equal. Some varieties, such as the Saguaro, are immensely demanding, while others are not. It is essential to evaluate how much sunlight your area generally receives. If you live in a hot area with lots of sunshine, you will be okay with pretty much any cactus variety. However, if you live in an extremely cold area, consider getting frost-hardy cacti and those that do not require that much sun. Remember that sunlight-deprivation can result in many problems, including stunted growth, diseases, and discoloration.

Water Needed

Most cactus varieties do not require frequent watering. However, every array has a different tolerance level to the soil water level. Some plants will struggle if placed in soggy soil, while others will still do fine. If you are regularly out of the house, you will be better off with a cactus species that can easily withstand long periods without water. It is also important to research other water-related factors such as winter dormancy before purchasing a cactus. Winter-dormant species require to be watered less frequently during cold months since growth is halted.


As you have possibly realized, some cacti grow taller than most houses. While such heights are only attainable after more than 50 years, it is important to get a cactus variety whose size your home can easily accommodate. Some fast-growing types can get to several feet tall in a relatively short period. If you are looking for a plant that will not exceed a certain height, it is vital to research your potential purchase’s fully-mature size.

Time to Maturity

People often purchase cacti for the aesthetic appeal they add to an otherwise bland room or space. If you want your cactus to flower and produce that magnificent look, it is good to consider the time it takes for the plant to mature and bloom. You wouldn’t want to purchase a cactus that takes 30 years to produce its first flower. However, if you are more interested in such a plant’s growth cycle, then a slow-growing variety would still be okay for you. Remember that factors such as sunlight exposure and watering schedules also affect a cactus’s growth and, subsequently, its time to maturity.


Different cactus varieties are priced differently due to several factors. When purchasing one, it is essential to compare other sellers and types to ensure that you are not overpaying for the plant. However, remember that extremely cheap plants might have defects such as infestations and growth problems.


Certain cacti are native to particular areas in the world and, therefore, extremely difficult to find. The harder it is to find a plant, the pricier it is. For example, if you have to import a single cactus from a far-off country, the logistics, expenses, and other issues might not be worth the acquisition.


While cacti have conventionally been wild desert plants, the modern-day indoor gardening trends have resulted in more people growing the plants at home. Purchasing the ideal cactus often takes a huge deal of research and can easily become confusing. However, by considering the factors mentioned above, you can easily get one to add to your collection of indoor plants.

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